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Take the strain off the sprain

Ashleigh Clinic

The ankle joint is an amazing example of the human body's functional inter-play between the bones, joints and ligaments, with their combined action guiding an efficient movement pattern during activity.


The hinge type joint is stabilised when pulling your toes up by the sculptured fit of the bones and as you point your foot down during a 'pushing' action when walking or running. The soft tissues and ligaments take over to allow more flexibility to help change of direction such as when we play sport.


It's vital to properly treat sprained ankles to ensure no recurrence or further problems.

Ligament injuries of the ankle are one of the most common sports injuries we see at Ashleigh Clinic. Commonly known as the 'sprained ankle', inadequate treatment and rehabilitation can not only lead to reduced function of the joint, but also increase the incidence of re-injury as well as affecting other joints of the lower limb. If ankle fractures occur, your back can often be affected too after a period of time in plaster or a brace.


You may find that you have limited movement, experiencing pain in many areas. This may be attributed to the ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues in that area also being damaged. Contractures occur and limit joint movement. It is important to restore this movement gain to allow normal function and return to activity.

Common signs of a sprained ankle

  • Pain, swelling and heat in the tissues around the ankle

  • Very tender to the touch

  • Sometimes bruising

  • Loss of function

  • Limited ability to stand or weight bear, depending on severity


It is important to discount fractures or dislocation of the joint. Sometimes this can be obvious, but if in doubt always consult your physiotherapist or doctor where you may be referred for an x-ray.


If a fracture has been discounted, then remember the acronym RICE for initial management of the injury:

  • Rest

  • lce

  • Compression

  • Elevation


lf weight bearing is too painful, then elbow crutches can be used. Seek advice and treatment at your earliest opportunity to help speed up the recovery process. A progressive introduction of specific exercise programs related to your needs and activity helps a speedier return to activity.


lf you return to activity and start experiencing further pain and swelling, this may indicate the joint is still limited in normal function by the damaged soft tissues that surround it. Please remember: 'Everything is function'. A full recovery in joint motion and soft tissue integrity reduces the incidence of recurrence and improves quality and ability to perform well.


lf you would like to discuss any injury prevention or rehabilitation issues that you may have, then call Ashleigh Clinic on 0116 270 7948.


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